Many of our customers have shared with us the difficulties they encounter while trying to lead their various teams through a pandemic. It’s not easy when you cannot meet in person. Once you have completed the Profile XT assessment and have the data for each team member you are able to generate a Profiles XT […]
On-Boarding New Employees During a Pandemic
Posted by October 19, 2020.
onMany of our customers have told us about the challenges they face when performing a meaningful on-boarding process since they are unable to meet the new employee in person when hiring during a pandemic. Once you have hired a new employee using the Profile PXT Assessment Technology, a Manager/Employee report is created. Find a sample […]
Hiring During a Pandemic
Posted by September 23, 2020.
onOver the last 6 to 8 weeks as the U.S. economy has begun to open more broadly, we find our customers increasing their hiring activity. At Profiles Incorporated, one of the questions we have been asking our customers is Has the pandemic created any new recruiting issues for your organization? Universally, the response has been […]