Profiles Incorporated

A Strategic Business Partner of Profiles International

Posted by Craig Palmer on June 10, 2017.

The ability to make good decisions is important in business, especially for managers and leaders. The results of our assessments don’t measure whether a person will make right or wrong decisions but tell us more about the style in which they make them. In the Attitude section, we learn how trusting or skeptic a person might be which certainly guides decisions. An employee’s level of Independence might determine how much input they need from their manager in order to make a decision. A person scoring on the left in Manageability may have the philosophy of “asking for forgiveness rather than permission” when making decisions. Employees scoring on the right in Accommodating may need a team consensus on their decisions. Now we are going to focus on a “pair” of key Behaviors associated with our Profile PSA and PXT assessments, Decisiveness and Objective Judgment. This will provide another excellent example of how to use this Profiles Sales Assessment Concurrent Performance Model Overview to optimally execute creating a tension free environment for any audience.

sales_assessment_overviewThe Decisiveness Behavior measures the speed in which individuals are most comfortable making decisions. People with scores on the right like to make quick decisions and are willing to accept the inherent risks.. People on the left are comfortable with more deliberate approaches in making decisions. They prefer doing more analysis before deciding to insure a higher likelihood that they will make the correct decision.
The Objective Judgment Behavior measures the amount of “FACT BASED” information people require to support the various daily decisions they have to make. People on the right require multiple fact based types of information to support their decisions. People on the left are most comfortable relying on their experience and intuition to support their decisions.

In our team example, most of the team and the leader fall entirely in the center and the balanced portion of the Bell Curve, where most of the population will score. This is indicative of a team generally oriented towards making decisions within a reasonable time frame without much delay. Of interest, are the three team members falling outside the team orientation. These people have a unique perspective and very comfortable making speedy decisions. I recently had a conversation with a client who has these right oriented decisive scores who made the following comment: “50% of my decisions will be right or wrong! Right decisions will take care of themselves. If the decision is wrong I will fix it.” I think you can see how this perspective might cause team tension with those that would seem more deliberate in their decision making approach.

As we view the team’s Objective Judgment score we can see the ream has a left center orientation. This means the team generally requires a “reasonable amount” of fact based information to complement their experience and intuition to support their decisions. We have 2 people who fall outside the team perspective to the right. These two people will be most comfortable making decisions primarily supported by fact based information. This may slow the decision process down as more facts will need to be collected. This may cause tension with the other team members and leader who could be getting impatient saying “Why is this taking so long? We have all the information we need. Let’s get this done and move on.”

Decisiveness and Objective Judgment are very important behaviors to understand as we look to promote, recruit, on board, etc. In most organizations, how people make decisions is a key success factor. By having the Profile PSA or Profile PXT generate individual and team reports we gain valuable insight regarding how this process will likely work for employees at all levels and in every situation. High quality execution is directly reflected in how decisions are determined. Optimize your organization’s execution by utilizing the various Profiles Incorporated Leadership tools and consulting programs today!

For more information on How to Execute with ANY Audience, click here to read every blog post in this series.

Author: Craig Palmer

Profiles Incorporated provides personalized consulting to support the assessment results of your employees. We also provide in-depth training for managers to maximize the value of the assessment information and administrative training that allows you to take this information in house.

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