Posted by March 7, 2024.
onAs President of Profiles Incorporated, Nancy Ness has specialized in employee assessments since 1991. She works with companies of every size, in wide-ranging industries, partnering with her clients to help them maximize their productivity. We are proud to share that Wiley has chosen Nancy as a PXTSelect™ Emerald Award winner in recognition of outstanding performance as members of the PXTSelect™ Authorized Partner network in 2023.
The Emerald Award is a prestigious tier of recognition that reflects the outstanding achievement and commitment to empowering organizations to reach their full potential through the people they employ, something that Nancy and Profiles, Inc. feel passionate about. The PXTSelect™ is a powerful assessment tool that helps hiring managers navigate the interviewing and selection process, ensuring the right employee is chosen for the right job. The PXTSelect™ suite of assessments not only aligns candidates to roles based on the traits most important to be successful, it allows the client to hire smarter and retain longer.
As an Emerald Award winner, Nancy will be invited to attend the Awards Summit which will take place in Minneapolis, MN in October, 2024. Thank you to Wiley for recognizing Nancy Ness and Profiles Incorporated with this highly regarded award.