Profiles Incorporated

A Strategic Business Partner of Profiles International

The Science Behind the PXT Select Assessment and Talent Management System

Posted by Craig Palmer on February 28, 2023.

Today’s hiring environment is quite exuberant! Although the tech sector is currently experiencing a wave of layoffs, it represents a very small percentage overall. Then, in contrast, there are many other industries hiring at a furious rate. This results in intense competition for top talent. At Profiles, Inc. we have noticed a significant increase in […]

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Three Key Considerations When Promoting a Sales Person to a Leadership Role

Posted by Craig Palmer on April 26, 2022.

Over the past month we have had a number of conversations with sales managers. As we come out of the pandemic, they are expanding their sales force to meet increased demand, which in turn, requires increasing the number of sales managers. Focusing on the sales manager component, many companies would prefer to promote from within. […]

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How Job Fit is Crucial to Successful Hiring

Posted by Craig Palmer on February 22, 2022.

Every day we read in the news and on social media about the “Great Resignation”. In 2021 over 40,000 people resigned from their jobs, with more than 4,000 of them taking place in November of that year. Employee engagement, defined as the level of enthusiasm and dedication a worker feels towards their job, is between […]

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Understanding How People Make Decisions Using Profile PXT Assessments

Posted by Craig Palmer on December 15, 2020.

Oftentimes, our customers will tell us that when recruiting and working with current employees they are really interested in understanding how people work through their decision-making process. And, it’s one of the hardest characteristics to determine in an interview, especially when so many these days are virtual due to the pandemic. The PXT Select assessment […]

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Leading a Team During a Pandemic

Posted by Craig Palmer on November 17, 2020.

Many of our customers have shared with us the difficulties they encounter while trying to lead their various teams through a pandemic. It’s not easy when you cannot meet in person. Once you have completed the Profile XT assessment and have the data for each team member you are able to generate a Profiles XT […]

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Using the Profiles PXT Select to Help Understand Candidates Emotional IQ

Posted by Craig Palmer on September 12, 2018.

I was having a conversation with one of our Client VP of Sales recently. He was in the process of hiring a new region manager. He had four candidates that were very good fits with their region manager Profiles Performance Model and asked for assistance to help determine which quality candidate would be the best […]

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Staying on Track with Your New Year’s Resolutions

Posted by Mark Ness on December 1, 2017.
new years resolutions

Now that we’re a few months into 2015, it’s a good time to follow up on those New Year’s resolutions you made before the ball dropped and you went back to business as usual. Maybe your resolutions were personal in nature such as exercise more or stop smoking. If you had aspirations to improve your […]

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How to Execute with any Audience with Thinking Style

Posted by Craig Palmer on July 17, 2017.

Over the past couple of months, we’ve focused on the Behavior section of the Profiles Sales Assessment Concurrent Performance Model Overview in order to show how a 12 person team might create a tension free environment by properly executing an assessment. Read all of the posts here! Let’s now focus on the Thinking Style section […]

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How to Execute with any Audience with Accommodating

Posted by Craig Palmer on March 20, 2017.

By analyzing a real world example of a Profiles Sales Assessment Concurrent Performance Model Overview, we’ve shown over the last few articles how a company would utilize the data from our Profile Leadership tools to OPTIMIZE team interactions. To get more resources for executing assessments, read our case studies or lean more about our consulting […]

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How to Execute with ANY Audience with Manageability

Posted by Craig Palmer on February 13, 2017.

As we continue our series of blog posts that focus on sections of a real world example of a Profiles Sales Assessment Concurrent Performance Model Overview, we hope that you’re gaining a better perspective on how to execute an assessment. If not, we offer personalized consulting services to support the assessment results of your employees. […]

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How to Execute With ANY Audience With Attitude

Posted by Craig Palmer on January 27, 2017.

Last month, we discussed how to utilize the data from our Profile Leadership tools to OPTIMIZE your interactions with employees, people you’re interviewing, your sales team, etc. We gave examples of ways to interpret the results of the Sociability Behavior section of the Profiles Sales Assessment Concurrent Performance Model Overview in order to create a […]

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How to Execute with ANY Audience with Independence

Posted by Craig Palmer on January 7, 2017.

In this series of blog posts, we are showing real life examples of how to utilize the data from our Assessments to gain a better perspective on how you and your team might view certain situations and areas of conflict. We looked at the Sociability & Attitude Behavior sections of the Profiles Sales Assessment Concurrent […]

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Creating a Team Building Culture

Posted by Nancy Ness on December 23, 2016.

Creating a team-building culture starts with individual, engaged employees. Engaged employees are happier at work, get more done, and routinely go above and beyond their job descriptions. They also encourage other employees to be more engaged and productive. Most importantly, these employees are proud to be a part of their companies, and are more likely […]

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How to Execute With ANY Audience

Posted by Craig Palmer on November 19, 2016.

No, we are not here today to discuss how to “eliminate” those hard to reach audiences. Quite the contrary! We want to give you a taste of how to utilize the data from our Profile Leadership tools to OPTIMIZE your interactions with those audiences such as employees, people you’re interviewing or your sales team. This is […]

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Optimize Your Red Zone

Posted by Craig Palmer on October 13, 2016.

It’s the time of year for New Years resolutions and maybe yours is to manage your organization more efficiently while increasing production. Sounds like a lofty goal but not if you focus on the three areas of your business where you get the highest rate of return for your efforts. We call that, the RED Zone.

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Nancy Ness Wins Summit Society Award

Posted by Nancy Ness on February 4, 2015.

At the 2015 World Conference of Profiles International in San Antonio, Texas, Nancy Ness, President of Profiles Incorporated, was awarded the Summit Society Award due to her great success and contributions throughout the industry. As a recipient of this award every year for the last 20 years, Nancy is recognized as a thought leader and […]

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