Posted by February 13, 2017.
onAs we continue our series of blog posts that focus on sections of a real world example of a Profiles Sales Assessment Concurrent Performance Model Overview, we hope that you’re gaining a better perspective on how to execute an assessment. If not, we offer personalized consulting services to support the assessment results of your employees. We also provide in-depth training for managers to maximize the value of the assessment information. With all Profiles programs, you own the information and have access to it 24/7.
We now wish to focus on the Manageability Behavior section to provide us another excellent example of how to use this report to optimally execute and create a tension free environment for your audience.
Manageability measures the level of structure people prefer to govern their daily activities. People with scores on the right prefer high levels of structure and rules to govern their activities. They prefer a very predictable environment. Individuals on the left prefer minimal structure in their daily activities. They like to use their creativity and think outside the box in their daily routine. They may even be heard saying, “I would rather ask for forgiveness than ask for permission.”
As you can see in our Team example, the leader has a 1 in Manageability. 2.5% of the population would score here. Said differently, 97.5% of the population would prefer more structure than this leader. Guidelines, finding creative solutions and doing things “differently” would be the most comfortable behaviors for this leader.
All of this leader’s direct reports have scores right of him/her. 11 of those 12 have a meaningful difference in perspective from this leader. While the scores of these 11 fall in the balanced section of the bell curve where you would expect most people to score, because the leaders perspective is uniquely left there is a high propensity for tension to evolve. The leader might be thinking, “I am going to let my team use their judgment and creativity to accomplish their daily objectives. Let them think outside the box.” The team members might be thinking, “I need more metrics to know how I am doing. I am not sure if I am doing what’s expected of me. How am I being evaluated?”
By having this type of report available, the leader can understand that his/her team is fine with a reasonable amount of structure to govern their activities. He/she should put a few key metrics are in place to create a motivational environment. The team members will understand that their leader is most comfortable with a few guidelines and likes to use creativity and quick thinking to make judgments. As leader and team stretch outside their comfort zones towards each other’s perspective, all will enjoy a more efficient and effective approach. Optimum execution by mitigating tension!
For more information on How to Execute with ANY Audience, click here to read every blog post in this series.