Posted by June 18, 2021.
onAt Profiles Incorporated we understand the impact of knowing your employees well and the importance of a fine-tuned recruiting program that is focused on selecting the right employee for the right job. Enter, the PXT Select Assessment.
The PXT Select is a talent management system designed to allow hiring managers to optimize their leadership efforts related to recruiting, on-boarding, coaching, and development of their direct reports. An often-overlooked report related to the PXT Select is the Coaching Report.
This particular report can assist a hiring manager’s ability to improve the self-awareness of their direct report. Let’s look at two key behaviors to consider from the PXT Select Coaching Report: Decisiveness and Judgement. These two behaviors have a strong interaction with each other.
- Decisiveness measures the speed with which we prefer to make decisions
- Judgement measures the amount of fact-based information we prefer to have to support these decisions
In looking through the sample Coaching Report, you’ll see that Page 9 digs into the Decisiveness behavioral traits and what you need to know about Oliver Chase (fictional employee). Key management tips and a bottom-line summary comment regarding Oliver and his decisiveness are also included.
Next, let’s take a look at the Judgement behavior on Page 12. Here you will again see information about Oliver Chase, key management tips and a bottom-line summary comment regarding his Judgement behavior. Each of the behavioral traits are clearly described and the feedback is presented in an organized, easy to read report.
A strong leader knows coaching is an integral responsibility to ensure their direct reports’ success. Leaders can enhance their engagement by helping them develop key skills. The PXT Select Coaching Report is a fantastic tool to help you set development goals with each of your employees. Contact Profiles Incorporated today and let us introduce you to the PXT Select Assessment so your organization can benefit from useful tips that aid in your employees’ training and development.