Profiles Incorporated

A Strategic Business Partner of Profiles International

Posted by Craig Palmer on November 30, 2022.

As the end of the year approaches, we are noticing a trend in our clients using the Profiles PXT Select and Checkpoint 360 assessments in tandem with each other. Companies are assessing the state of their leadership teams to really understand the ability to execute their key strategies in these challenging low unemployment, high interest rate and high inflationary economic times. Trained, experienced leadership is a must, but unfortunately, data suggests that only about 1/3 of leaders are skilled and qualified to be in these leadership roles. Leadership has a direct impact on employee engagement defined as the amount of dedication and enthusiasm an employee has to perform their job at 100% of their capabilities. Current data indicates that the current general level of employee engagement is between 31%-60%. Again, a direct reflection on a company’s caliber of leadership!

Obviously, there is a great deal of room to improve the quality of leadership which will have a direct positive impact on the quality of employee engagement leading to improved execution of company strategies.

Determining the status of your leadership team requires data. Using the Profiles PXT Select in conjunction with the Checkpoint 360 will provide that very specific data to not only determine the leadership status in your company, but also provide action plans to develop your leadership team in an ongoing basis.

A great way to visualize how these two leadership technologies can help is to think of an iceberg. Use the Profiles Checkpoint 360 to provide data about your leaders that is readily observable. The Checkpoint 360 provides feedback from the managers boss, the manager, peers and direct reports. This 360-degree feedback encompasses 8 leadership competencies, 18 skill sets and 70 supporting behaviors. This data is collected via a 15-minute online survey from all participants and the observable feedback represents the iceberg above the waterline.

So how do we examine the information about our leaders that is represented by the iceberg below the waterline? This is more difficult to assess since these features are not always visible. The PXT Select assessment will provide that information along with data to support the following:

  • Cognitive abilities, or how your leaders learn and process information
  • 9 relevant people interaction behaviors
  • Key job interests that they naturally enjoy performing

This data is collected through a 1-hour online assessment.

Once this is all completed, you will have the full picture of your company’s leaders. You will know how they perform based on feedback about their visible capabilities (Checkpoint 360), as well as the essence of the total person (PXT Select). You will have a good insight into why they do things the way they do, and can now provide your leadership team with ongoing development plans to fully optimize employee engagement!

Call Profiles, Incorporated to get started on this Leadership Development journey. Contact us today!

Author: Craig Palmer

Profiles Incorporated provides personalized consulting to support the assessment results of your employees. We also provide in-depth training for managers to maximize the value of the assessment information and administrative training that allows you to take this information in house.

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