Posted by May 24, 2022.
onHere at Profiles Incorporated, we have over 30 years of experience helping clients take advantage of the various aspects of the Profiles Talent Management System. There are hundreds of “assessments” in the marketplace, but most of those are “personality tests”. They simply tell you what a person’s style and personality will be like at any given point in time. These are useful in the short term but have the major disadvantage of results being impacted by a person’s state of mind or mood when they take the assessment. Also, the results become quickly outdated as a person evolves and develops over time. Many of these personality tests are not validated for recruiting as results are not routinely reproduced.
Our PXT Select assessment is THE talent management solution. So, what exactly do we mean by talent management? Data that is collected with the on-line questionnaire helps our customers optimize their recruiting selections, assist with their on-boarding activities, and use that Profiles data to coach and develop their people once they are hired. Because of what we measure and how we measure, unless a person has a major life event that completely distorts their personal perspective, the Profiles data remains relevant for the balance of an individual’s life journey.
During the recruiting process we work with our clients to develop a Performance Model customized to their company and specific job requirements. We then collect their candidates’ Profiles data and load it into the customized model to give that data context which we entitle job fit. The higher the candidate’s job fit percentage the higher the likelihood that individual will perform that role at a high level.
Once we hire that candidate, we then use our Profiles Manager/Employee report during the on-boarding process. As the manager meets with their new hire, this Manager/Employee report helps the manager and the employee understand the best ways for them to interact with each other in their most efficient and effective manner. This information also starts everyone off with a common language to have these types of discussions going forward.
Now, as this employee continues with your organization you can take advantage of the Profiles Coaching, Leadership and Team reports to support your on-going Talent Management efforts.
The Profiles Coaching report provides manager and employee with key development opportunities supporting agreed upon development efforts.
The Profiles Team report provides the team leader with great insights about the best ways to lead their team. This Team report can also be generated from each team member’s perspective. The data provides tremendous insights to each team member about the best and most effective ways to interact with all members of their team.
For current leaders or those that aspire to a leadership role, the Profiles Leadership report offers terrific insights into 6 key leadership skills. These insights revolve around 3 organizational leadership skills and 3 people leadership skills. When you read this report, you will gain insights into things you will likely do well and also insights into areas you can improve.
Using the PXT Select Talent Management System from Profiles, Inc. will enhance your recruiting efforts, enhance your on-boarding processes, solidify your coaching and development efforts all while using the same Profiles language. Call today to get started.