Profiles Incorporated

A Strategic Business Partner of Profiles International

Team Building Tips from Successful Entrepreneurs

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“Stop selling. Start helping.” – Zig Ziglar Sales representatives are the people who represent a company and sell the products or services that the organization offers. The job of a sales rep can vary greatly depending on the organization and types of products and services they sell; however, sales reps are often considered some of the […]

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How to Execute with any Audience with Accommodating

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By analyzing a real world example of a Profiles Sales Assessment Concurrent Performance Model Overview, we’ve shown over the last few articles how a company would utilize the data from our Profile Leadership tools to OPTIMIZE team interactions. To get more resources for executing assessments, read our case studies or lean more about our consulting […]

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How to Execute with ANY Audience with Manageability

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As we continue our series of blog posts that focus on sections of a real world example of a Profiles Sales Assessment Concurrent Performance Model Overview, we hope that you’re gaining a better perspective on how to execute an assessment. If not, we offer personalized consulting services to support the assessment results of your employees. […]

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How to Execute with ANY Audience with Independence

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In this series of blog posts, we are showing real life examples of how to utilize the data from our Assessments to gain a better perspective on how you and your team might view certain situations and areas of conflict. We looked at the Sociability & Attitude Behavior sections of the Profiles Sales Assessment Concurrent […]

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