Profiles Incorporated

A Strategic Business Partner of Profiles International

Using Profiles PXT Select to Determine Manager-Employee Compatibility

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The compatibility between managers and their employees is critical. Oftentimes the chemistry and personal fit is overlooked in the hiring process and when people end up leaving, they don’t typically quit the company they work for, they quit their boss. There is certainly no shortage of leadership advice available at your fingertips with a simple […]

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Increase Employee Retention Using the PXT Select Portfolio

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As we step into the 4th quarter of 2023 there is a noticeable uptick in the number of inquiries received for our Profiles Incorporated  PXT Select product portfolio. This wide-ranging portfolio includes the PXT Select Talent Management assessment and the PXT Select Leadership Development technology, Checkpoint 360. Over the past month I have had several […]

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How Job Fit is Crucial to Successful Hiring

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Every day we read in the news and on social media about the “Great Resignation”. In 2021 over 40,000 people resigned from their jobs, with more than 4,000 of them taking place in November of that year. Employee engagement, defined as the level of enthusiasm and dedication a worker feels towards their job, is between […]

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Do You Trust a Stranger More Than Your Own Boss?

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The compatibility between managers and their employees is critical. Oftentimes the chemistry and personal fit is overlooked in the hiring process and when people end up leaving, they don’t typically quit the company they work for, they quit their boss. There is certainly no shortage of leadership advice available at your fingertips with a simple […]

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Leading a Team During a Pandemic

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Many of our customers have shared with us the difficulties they encounter while trying to lead their various teams through a pandemic. It’s not easy when you cannot meet in person. Once you have completed the Profile XT assessment and have the data for each team member you are able to generate a Profiles XT […]

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How to Execute with any Audience with Interests

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In our past articles, we reviewed the Thinking Style and Behavior Traits Sections of the Profiles PXT and PSA assessments. Based on a real world example of a 12 person team, we can see from their Profiles Sales Assessment Concurrent Performance Model Overview that differences in perspectives, comfort zones and cognitive abilities, can create real […]

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How to Execute with any Audience with Assertiveness

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Over the last few weeks, we’ve identified how to execute an employee assessment by focusing on the Attitude, Independence and Manageability Behavior sections of the Profiles Sales Assessment Concurrent Performance Model Overview, We now wish to Focus on the Assertiveness Behavior to provide us with another excellent example of how to use this report to […]

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How to Execute with any Audience with Accommodating

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By analyzing a real world example of a Profiles Sales Assessment Concurrent Performance Model Overview, we’ve shown over the last few articles how a company would utilize the data from our Profile Leadership tools to OPTIMIZE team interactions. To get more resources for executing assessments, read our case studies or lean more about our consulting […]

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