Profiles Incorporated

A Strategic Business Partner of Profiles International

8 Leadership Blind Spots and How to Avoid Them

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Every leader is unique and brings their own style to leading and managing others. Successful leaders can help teams and organizations thrive; however, less effective leaders can negatively impact an organization and its people. Learn how to optimize your leadership style by avoiding these eight key blind spots: Poor Communication How to avoid it: Listen […]

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Two Excellent Tools for a Leadership Development Program: Profiles PXT Select & Checkpoint 360

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A question often asked by our clients regarding the leaders they have in place:  How can we be confident we have the right leadership in place to drive the rapid growth we expect of the organization? The variety of available statistics indicates this is a valid question that many organizations should be asking. The reality […]

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Increase Employee Retention Using the PXT Select Portfolio

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As we step into the 4th quarter of 2023 there is a noticeable uptick in the number of inquiries received for our Profiles Incorporated  PXT Select product portfolio. This wide-ranging portfolio includes the PXT Select Talent Management assessment and the PXT Select Leadership Development technology, Checkpoint 360. Over the past month I have had several […]

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Leadership Team Skill Set Alignment Using PXT Select Checkpoint 360

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I recently began sessions with a motion therapist who is a proponent of the Egoscue Method. The premise here is that before embarking on an exercise program, you first must ensure that your body is properly aligned. Shoulders, hips, knees and ankles must all be in alignment the way nature intended, in a straight line. […]

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Develop Strong Leaders Using Two Exceptional Assessment Tools

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As the end of the year approaches, we are noticing a trend in our clients using the Profiles PXT Select and Checkpoint 360 assessments in tandem with each other. Companies are assessing the state of their leadership teams to really understand the ability to execute their key strategies in these challenging low unemployment, high interest […]

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Are Your Organization Leaders Capable and Ready to Lead Their Teams as Your Business Emerges From This Pandemic?

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One of our clients recently mentioned their leadership team had raised the question: How do we really know we have the right leadership in place to drive the rapid growth we expect? The variety of available statistics indicates this is a valid question that many organizations should be asking. The reality is only about 1/3 of […]

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