Profiles Incorporated

A Strategic Business Partner of Profiles International

How Profiles PXT Select Helps You Understand Emotional IQ

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I was having a conversation with one of our client VP of Sales recently. He was in the process of hiring two new region managers and ten new territory managers. He had four candidates that were a very good fit with their region manager Profiles Performance Model and a number of talented industry experienced territory […]

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Using Profiles PXT Select to Determine Manager-Employee Compatibility

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The compatibility between managers and their employees is critical. Oftentimes the chemistry and personal fit is overlooked in the hiring process and when people end up leaving, they don’t typically quit the company they work for, they quit their boss. There is certainly no shortage of leadership advice available at your fingertips with a simple […]

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Why (And How) You Should Focus On Talent Mobility and Upskilling

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Recruiting for a job opening can be a tedious and time-consuming process, but it doesn’t have to be. While your first instinct may be to look for external candidates, it’s to your advantage to look a little closer to home. Talent mobility and upskilling employees from within an organization is a crucial strategy for sustainable […]

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The Key Behavior That Separates True “A” Sales Talent from All Others

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I am recalling a conversation I was having as VP of Sales with our CFO who also wore the Human Resource hat with a young, venture capital backed, market development oriented, start up organization. We were discussing the need to hire the best sales talent, or “A” talent, that we possibly could. This conversation begged […]

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Develop Strong Leaders Using Two Exceptional Assessment Tools

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As the end of the year approaches, we are noticing a trend in our clients using the Profiles PXT Select and Checkpoint 360 assessments in tandem with each other. Companies are assessing the state of their leadership teams to really understand the ability to execute their key strategies in these challenging low unemployment, high interest […]

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Optimize Team Culture and Performance Using PXT Select

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Recently I was speaking with one of our new customers and the topic of culture came up.  This young company was having a difficult time defining and articulating theirs. As our discussion continued it became apparent that the people working within this culture, individually, had different definitions of it. Some thought culture would be defined […]

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Interview Questions to Help You Find That Star Employee

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Today’s hiring managers have their work cut out for them. People are leaving the workforce at record rates, and many are in no rush to return. No industry or position is immune. Good candidates are often scarce. With employee retention a concern for any organization, accuracy is at a premium. You simply cannot afford mis-hires. […]

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How Job Fit is Crucial to Successful Hiring

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Every day we read in the news and on social media about the “Great Resignation”. In 2021 over 40,000 people resigned from their jobs, with more than 4,000 of them taking place in November of that year. Employee engagement, defined as the level of enthusiasm and dedication a worker feels towards their job, is between […]

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Are Poor Customer Service Experiences Hurting Your Bottom Line?

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At Profiles, Inc. we have noticed a dramatic increase in the number of organizations hiring customer service personnel. This surge appears to be driven by a number of factors. One reason for the increased need is due to the higher number of people working from home and their off-site, online support requirements. Also, historically there […]

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Hiring the Best Sales Talent: Self-Awareness is a Key Skill

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I have been a sales leader for over 30 years with the goal of hiring the best, most talented sales people. It has become apparent to me that a key must-have skill that determines high performance is self-awareness. A quote from a 2014 Harvard Business Review article by Muriel Wilkens really captures the essence of […]

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Critical Mistakes to Avoid When Hiring or Building a Sales Team

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Sales is the lifeblood of any business. The magnitude of an organization’s success has a direct correlation to the execution of quality sales. Therefore, you want sales to be scalable and predictable. Often you hear sales referred to as an “art form”, but art is not scalable or predictable. Here are 2 key mistakes we […]

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Determining Key Behaviors with the PXT Select Coaching Report

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At Profiles Incorporated we understand the impact of knowing your employees well and the importance of a fine-tuned recruiting program that is focused on selecting the right employee for the right job. Enter, the PXT Select Assessment. The PXT Select is a talent management system designed to allow hiring managers to optimize their leadership efforts […]

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Do You Trust a Stranger More Than Your Own Boss?

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The compatibility between managers and their employees is critical. Oftentimes the chemistry and personal fit is overlooked in the hiring process and when people end up leaving, they don’t typically quit the company they work for, they quit their boss. There is certainly no shortage of leadership advice available at your fingertips with a simple […]

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Using Profiles PXT Select and Thinking Style to Understand Emotional IQ

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I was having a conversation with one of our client VP of Sales recently. He was in the process of hiring two new region managers and ten new territory managers. He had four candidates that were a very good fit with their region manager Profiles Performance Model and a number of talented industry experienced territory […]

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Understanding How People Make Decisions Using Profile PXT Assessments

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Oftentimes, our customers will tell us that when recruiting and working with current employees they are really interested in understanding how people work through their decision-making process. And, it’s one of the hardest characteristics to determine in an interview, especially when so many these days are virtual due to the pandemic. The PXT Select assessment […]

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