Profiles Incorporated

A Strategic Business Partner of Profiles International

Why (And How) You Should Focus On Talent Mobility and Upskilling

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Recruiting for a job opening can be a tedious and time-consuming process, but it doesn’t have to be. While your first instinct may be to look for external candidates, it’s to your advantage to look a little closer to home. Talent mobility and upskilling employees from within an organization is a crucial strategy for sustainable […]

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The Key Behavior That Separates True “A” Sales Talent from All Others

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I am recalling a conversation I was having as VP of Sales with our CFO who also wore the Human Resource hat with a young, venture capital backed, market development oriented, start up organization. We were discussing the need to hire the best sales talent, or “A” talent, that we possibly could. This conversation begged […]

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The Power of Using Data in the Hiring Process

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Hiring managers strive to ensure their hiring process is fair and structured but are too often surprised by messier outcomes than expected. The same survey found that: Relying so heavily on instinct tends to crowd out other insights that truly do lead to better hires. Too much emphasis on instinct means too little consistency and […]

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Optimize Team Culture and Performance Using PXT Select

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Recently I was speaking with one of our new customers and the topic of culture came up.  This young company was having a difficult time defining and articulating theirs. As our discussion continued it became apparent that the people working within this culture, individually, had different definitions of it. Some thought culture would be defined […]

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Are Poor Customer Service Experiences Hurting Your Bottom Line?

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At Profiles, Inc. we have noticed a dramatic increase in the number of organizations hiring customer service personnel. This surge appears to be driven by a number of factors. One reason for the increased need is due to the higher number of people working from home and their off-site, online support requirements. Also, historically there […]

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