Profiles Incorporated

A Strategic Business Partner of Profiles International

The Key Behavior That Separates True “A” Sales Talent from All Others

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I am recalling a conversation I was having as VP of Sales with our CFO who also wore the Human Resource hat with a young, venture capital backed, market development oriented, start up organization. We were discussing the need to hire the best sales talent, or “A” talent, that we possibly could. This conversation begged […]

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Reducing Unconscious Bias in Hiring and Selection

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It’s easy to rely on past experiences, beliefs, and instincts to make speedy hiring and selection decisions, but all three are one-way tickets for unconscious bias to enter your organization. The fact that unconscious bias is called “unconscious” is significant. These biases are deeply embedded in even the smallest everyday actions making them difficult to […]

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Determining Key Behaviors with the PXT Select Coaching Report

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At Profiles Incorporated we understand the impact of knowing your employees well and the importance of a fine-tuned recruiting program that is focused on selecting the right employee for the right job. Enter, the PXT Select Assessment. The PXT Select is a talent management system designed to allow hiring managers to optimize their leadership efforts […]

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Understanding How People Make Decisions Using Profile PXT Assessments

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Oftentimes, our customers will tell us that when recruiting and working with current employees they are really interested in understanding how people work through their decision-making process. And, it’s one of the hardest characteristics to determine in an interview, especially when so many these days are virtual due to the pandemic. The PXT Select assessment […]

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