When evaluating candidates for sales roles, focusing on cultural fit and their proficiency in key sales skills is crucial. The Profiles Incorporated PXT Select Sales Reporting is a valuable tool that helps assess candidates’ abilities in eight critical sales skills. Additionally, you will have very specific feedback about how the candidates will deliver their skills and experiences […]
Recruit Top Talent Using Profiles PXT Select Sales Reports
Tags: be a better sales person, behavioral traits, employee assessments, employee interests, hiring, hiring salespeople, identifying top employees, Job Fit, pxt select, PXT Select Assessment, sales assessments
In the competitive world of sales, finding the right talent is crucial for your company’s success. You need reps who are not just great at closing deals but are also a perfect fit for your team culture and goals. If you’re in the process of searching for salespeople, leveraging Profiles Incorporated PXT Select Sales Reports […]
Evaluate 8 Critical Sales Skills Using the PXT Select Comprehensive Selection Report
Tags: be a better sales person, Comprehensive Selection Report, Consultative Salesperson, developing employees, developing high performance employees, employee assessments, hiring, identifying top employees, leadership qualities, pxt select, PXT Select Assessment, sales assessments, sales skills, Trusted Advisor Salesperson
The Harvard Business Review posted an article titled 7 Reasons Salespeople Don’t Close the Deal. The article included some interesting findings from a survey that was conducted. The top reasons given for not buying was a lack of trust, and lack of respect for the salesperson. Also, in this survey the following data was discovered: […]
The Key Behavior That Separates True “A” Sales Talent from All Others
Tags: be a better sales person, behavioral traits, behaviors, decisiveness, hiring, judgement, keys to decision making, pxt select, PXT Select Assessment, sales, sales assessments, sales talent, talent management
I am recalling a conversation I was having as VP of Sales with our CFO who also wore the Human Resource hat with a young, venture capital backed, market development oriented, start up organization. We were discussing the need to hire the best sales talent, or “A” talent, that we possibly could. This conversation begged […]
Sales Leaders, Do Not Make This Hiring Mistake!
Tags: be a better sales person, developing employees, employee assessments, employee interests, hiring, hiring from within, hiring sales people, identifying top employees, pxt select, PXT Select Assessment, recruiting, sales assessments, talent management
As we close out the month of October, many organizations are making final sales force decisions to set their company up for revenue growth in 2023. With the unemployment rate at a 40-year low of 3.5%, as sales leaders explore their recruiting options they are finding it very difficult to find talented, experienced sales people. […]
Hiring the Best Sales Talent: Self-Awareness is a Key Skill
Tags: be a better sales person, behaviors, developing high performance employees, employee assessments, hiring, Key skills, pxt select, sales assessments, Self Awareness
I have been a sales leader for over 30 years with the goal of hiring the best, most talented sales people. It has become apparent to me that a key must-have skill that determines high performance is self-awareness. A quote from a 2014 Harvard Business Review article by Muriel Wilkens really captures the essence of […]
Listen to Learn: How the PXT Select Can Help You Optimize Your Persuasion Activities
Tags: be a better leader, be a better sales person, leadership qualities, Listen to Learn, Persuasion, pxt select
We all have heard the phrase “Listen to Learn.” Your best persuaders have very good listening skills. The question is: What do we listen for? If we are selling a product, we listen for opportunities for our product benefits to be a solution for the client. If we work in an organizational function other than […]
9 Sales Practices You Should Always Follow
Tags: be a better sales person, developing employees, developing high performance employees
Landing a job in sales is one thing, but being successful in sales can prove to be a much more challenging and stressful task. There are a couple of reasons job boards are always flooded with open sales positions: Working in sales isn’t for everyone. If the stress of quotas and performance-based job security is […]
Innovation: The Magic Behind Disney’s Sales Success
Tags: be a better sales person, customer service, sales assessments
Mickey Mouse and Disney’s successful ventures are known worldwide. Matt Groening, creator of the Simpsons, said “I went to Bali, and I was in a small village, and somebody who was with me showed a woman a little figurine of Bart and asked: ‘Do you know who this is?’ And she said: ‘Mickey Mouse.’” That’s […]
Staying on Track with Your New Year’s Resolutions
Tags: be a better leader, be a better sales person, coaching, developing employees, employee assessments, keeping new years resolutions, new years resolutions
Now that we’re a few months into 2015, it’s a good time to follow up on those New Year’s resolutions you made before the ball dropped and you went back to business as usual. Maybe your resolutions were personal in nature such as exercise more or stop smoking. If you had aspirations to improve your […]
What Do Your Customers Really Want?
Tags: be a better sales person, customer service, sales assessments
The answer to this question is simple: what customers want is a product or service. It’s inherent in the very nature of the definition of “customer”—“one that purchases a commodity or service.” So it’s a perfect set-up, right? You have a product, so you must have customers. No? You say you don’t have customers? Well, […]
Team Building Tips from Successful Entrepreneurs
Tags: be a better sales person, managing independent employees, talent management, team building tips
“Stop selling. Start helping.” – Zig Ziglar Sales representatives are the people who represent a company and sell the products or services that the organization offers. The job of a sales rep can vary greatly depending on the organization and types of products and services they sell; however, sales reps are often considered some of the […]