Profiles Incorporated

A Strategic Business Partner of Profiles International

Why (And How) You Should Focus On Talent Mobility and Upskilling

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Recruiting for a job opening can be a tedious and time-consuming process, but it doesn’t have to be. While your first instinct may be to look for external candidates, it’s to your advantage to look a little closer to home. Talent mobility and upskilling employees from within an organization is a crucial strategy for sustainable […]

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Sales Leaders, Do Not Make This Hiring Mistake!

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As we close out the month of October, many organizations are making final sales force decisions to set their company up for revenue growth in 2023. With the unemployment rate at a 40-year low of 3.5%, as sales leaders explore their recruiting options they are finding it very difficult to find talented, experienced sales people. […]

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3 Tips to Keep Employees Engaged and Prevent Resignations

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Virtually everywhere you read on social media and in the news, we’re learning about the staggering number of people leaving their job. Gallup and Harvard Business Review reported over 11,200 resignations in February, March, and April, 2021. CBS News reports more than 4,100 resignations in the month of August 2021. It is estimated that 40% […]

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How to Execute with any Audience with Interests

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In our past articles, we reviewed the Thinking Style and Behavior Traits Sections of the Profiles PXT and PSA assessments. Based on a real world example of a 12 person team, we can see from their Profiles Sales Assessment Concurrent Performance Model Overview that differences in perspectives, comfort zones and cognitive abilities, can create real […]

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