The Harvard Business Review posted an article titled 7 Reasons Salespeople Don’t Close the Deal. The article included some interesting findings from a survey that was conducted. The top reasons given for not buying was a lack of trust, and lack of respect for the salesperson. Also, in this survey the following data was discovered: […]
Why (And How) You Should Focus On Talent Mobility and Upskilling
Tags: behavioral traits, behaviors, cognitive abilities, developing employees, developing high performance employees, employee assessments, employee interests, employee retention, Job Fit, pxt select, PXT Select Assessment, recruiting, retention, talent mobility, unconscious bias
Recruiting for a job opening can be a tedious and time-consuming process, but it doesn’t have to be. While your first instinct may be to look for external candidates, it’s to your advantage to look a little closer to home. Talent mobility and upskilling employees from within an organization is a crucial strategy for sustainable […]
Hiring the Best Sales Talent: Self-Awareness is a Key Skill
Tags: be a better sales person, behaviors, developing high performance employees, employee assessments, hiring, Key skills, pxt select, sales assessments, Self Awareness
I have been a sales leader for over 30 years with the goal of hiring the best, most talented sales people. It has become apparent to me that a key must-have skill that determines high performance is self-awareness. A quote from a 2014 Harvard Business Review article by Muriel Wilkens really captures the essence of […]
Critical Mistakes to Avoid When Hiring or Building a Sales Team
Tags: behaviors, coaching, developing high performance employees, employee assessments, hiring, identifying top employees, leadership qualities, On-boarding, pxt select, sales assessments
Sales is the lifeblood of any business. The magnitude of an organization’s success has a direct correlation to the execution of quality sales. Therefore, you want sales to be scalable and predictable. Often you hear sales referred to as an “art form”, but art is not scalable or predictable. Here are 2 key mistakes we […]
Determining Key Behaviors with the PXT Select Coaching Report
Tags: be a better leader, behaviors, coaching, Coaching Report, decisiveness, developing employees, developing high performance employees, employee assessments, judgement, On-boarding, pxt select, PXT Select Assessment
At Profiles Incorporated we understand the impact of knowing your employees well and the importance of a fine-tuned recruiting program that is focused on selecting the right employee for the right job. Enter, the PXT Select Assessment. The PXT Select is a talent management system designed to allow hiring managers to optimize their leadership efforts […]
How to Recruit Consultative Salespeople using the PXT Select Sales Assessment
Tags: Consultative Salesperson, developing employees, developing high performance employees, employee assessments, hiring, identifying top employees, leadership qualities, pxt select, sales assessments, Trusted Advisor Salesperson
In a recent Harvard Business Review article titled “7 Reasons Salespeople Don’t Close the Deal”, a survey conducted produced some interesting findings. The top reasons given for not buying was a lack of trust and they did not respect the salesperson. Also, in this survey the following data was discovered: 12% of salespeople are excellent […]
Understanding How People Make Decisions Using Profile PXT Assessments
Tags: behaviors, decisiveness, developing employees, developing high performance employees, employee assessments, hiring, judgement, keys to decision making, pxt select
Oftentimes, our customers will tell us that when recruiting and working with current employees they are really interested in understanding how people work through their decision-making process. And, it’s one of the hardest characteristics to determine in an interview, especially when so many these days are virtual due to the pandemic. The PXT Select assessment […]
Leading a Team During a Pandemic
Tags: be a better leader, coaching, developing employees, developing high performance employees, employee assessments, profile XT, team building tips, team engagement
Many of our customers have shared with us the difficulties they encounter while trying to lead their various teams through a pandemic. It’s not easy when you cannot meet in person. Once you have completed the Profile XT assessment and have the data for each team member you are able to generate a Profiles XT […]
On-Boarding New Employees During a Pandemic
Tags: developing employees, developing high performance employees, hiring, On-boarding, profile XT
Many of our customers have told us about the challenges they face when performing a meaningful on-boarding process since they are unable to meet the new employee in person when hiring during a pandemic. Once you have hired a new employee using the Profile PXT Assessment Technology, a Manager/Employee report is created. Find a sample […]
Three Reasons Why Productivity Fluctuates
Tags: 4 branches of emotional intelligence, be a better leader, developing employees, developing high performance employees, emotional intelligence, Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than IQ, employee assessments, identifying top employees
The May, 2004 edition of Harvard Business Review featured an article on how it is risky to hire top performers from other companies. They advised that we are better off growing our own stars rather than headhunting our competitors. Why would that be? There are of course several reasons, but what is the recurring theme? […]
9 Sales Practices You Should Always Follow
Tags: be a better sales person, developing employees, developing high performance employees
Landing a job in sales is one thing, but being successful in sales can prove to be a much more challenging and stressful task. There are a couple of reasons job boards are always flooded with open sales positions: Working in sales isn’t for everyone. If the stress of quotas and performance-based job security is […]
10 Important Questions to Help Identify High Potentials
Tags: coaching, developing employees, developing high performance employees, employee assessments, identifying top employees
According to a study by the Corporate Executive Board (CEB), as many as 25% of high-potential employees plan on leaving their jobs within a year. Many organizations make the mistake of only looking at ability when assessing an employee’s potential for managing a job. When trying to identify a high-potential (or HiPo) employee, it is […]